As you delve into Vern Fein’s poetry, you will find yourself transported to a world where every word is carefully chosen, and every line is imbued with meaning. His work is a testament to the power of poetry to inspire, heal, and connect us all
BIO: Vern Fein, a recent octogenarian, has published over 300 poems and short prose pieces in over 100 sites.
A few are Gyroscope Review, Young Raven’s Review, Bindweed, *82 Review, River And South, Grey Sparrow Journal, and Loch Raven Review. His second poetry book—REFLECTION ON DOTS—was released late last year.
Melody Wang
Website: https://linktr.ee/MelodyOfMusings
Bio: Melody Wang currently resides in sunny Southern California with her family and wishes it were autumn all year round. Her debut collection of poetry, “Night-blooming Cereus,” was released in December.

The Invisible Rocking Chair, By Lynn Jones.
The Invisible Rocking Chair is a must-read. I am biased because Lynn is a dear friend of mine. However, I didn’t know what to expect when I started reading her book. It wasn’t long before I was laughing and enjoying her inspirational stories and her heartfelt journey with cancer. Lynn’s experiences and love for family and life were heartfelt. Her keen wit, admiration, and love for God made this an excellent, delightful read.

The Invisible Rocking Chair is a hope-filled inspirational about finding peace amidst struggle. Using the allegory of putting her small son to bed, Lynn beckons the reader to cozy up in the invisible rocking chair.
The reader will travel through resistance, struggle, and tears to rest and rewards. This book was birthed from the author’s own emotional and physical tangle with breast cancer.
Lynn uses many of her family’s personal stories that are speckled with humor, sensitivity, and spiritual insight. This book is a must for anyone asking the question, “Why me?”
Get the book on Amazon NOW!

Nathaniel Terrell’s debut poetry collection, “Is There Not a Cause?” is a timely and relevant read that will leave a deep impression. Compiled over six years, Terrell’s passionate verses cover a wide spectrum of topics. From current global events to personal experiences and the vices and struggles he has faced, his heartfelt writing resonates powerfully. A Must-Read!!!
Pick up your copy today!
Click on the link below.
From the talented author who brought you “In The Mind Of The Forgotten,” Raymond Deshoum again invites you inside his forgotten mind with his second collection, “Thoughts Under The Dark Moons Light, Including light healing pieces such as “Just Be” and “See the Sun Notice the Moon” to darker creations of “Not What You Think” and “Fear Not” Vibe with Raymond Deshoum and his, “Thoughts Under The Dark Moons Light”
Just click on the books below, and it will take you to the author’s page to purchase one of his books.